Weekly Staff Support / Check-in Meeting (For being happier at work)

Here’s my latest tool and practice for being happier at work: Weekly Staff Support Check-in Meetings.

In a nutshell
The idea is to look at the week ahead, and to ask myself, What support do I need to get everything done, and feel great?

Context and Guiding Ideas
It’s easy to move through the days and weeks, working constantly, to complete all of the things on our to-do list. Showing up for clients, finishing projects, handle business chores, etc. We are often driven by due dates. And many of us do whatever it takes to fulfill those commitments. We use the tools of: fit-stuff-in, dig-deep, work-until-it’s-done.

That’s cool, and gets results. …though, after a while, it can be very wearing on the mind, body, and spirit.

Here’s what we forget - how to give ourselves support to get through these big lists of work. Support can range from: getting tools we need, creating more time and space, gatekeeping small things out, taking things off the calendar, fuel or nourishment, ideal working conditions, encouragement, company … the list goes on. It’s whatever you need to get things done (and not be depleted).

Enter the Weekly Staff Support Check-in Meeting

You invite your two selves, the Boss You and the Talent You, hence the “meeting” part.

Talent You can write out all of the things on your plate. And then shares (with the Boss You): here’s how I’m feeling, here’s what I need, here’s what I wish. Then, the Boss You can make some decisions and provide support. After all Boss You wants to keep the Talent in the business!

Here’s how to use it

1 - Write some notes in the calendar section. Perhaps put in critical meetings, periods for working, breaks.

2 - Fill in the 2nd row - looking at tasks on your mind or list. Perhaps assign some to the calendar above.

3 - Make some observations. What do you notice - thoughts, feelings?

4 - Drill down - What’s a theme? What energy is needed? What support do I need? Perhaps add - how you want to feel at the end of the week?

5 - With all of that in mind, define some specific staff support. And then, make plans to give it to yourself.

The Quickie Version

At the beginning of your work week ……. let your eyes glaze over your calendar and to-do list.
Then, ask, “What’s one thing I can do or give myself to move through the week, get things done, and feel great?”

Channel the idea that you want to be the best boss in the world.

Give it a whirl, and let me know what you think!

: ) Jenny Girl Friday